Welcome to the Competency Acceptance Test Centre

Recognize the worth of your abilities and cultivate your self-assurance


Skill Competency Tests aim to assist individuals in assessing their competency levels and enhancing self-assurance by utilizing our all-encompassing evaluation. Our assessment is accessible to the general public within relevant domains, enabling anyone to gauge their skill proficiency and capability.

Through this examination, individuals can confidently execute tasks, secure in the knowledge that they possess the requisite aptitudes and proficiency to manage the given role.

AIE's Skill Competency Test stands as an indispensable resource for both individuals and clients, instilling confidence that they are collaborating with adept professionals.

What we're proud of

Our professional certification and training program operates through three state-of-the-art centers, each designed to provide top-notch education and training in cutting-edge technologies. These centers are strategically located to cater to diverse regions and ensure participants have access to world-class facilities and expert instructors.


Our office

Tel : +60 8966 1965 E-mail : info@aiesb.com.my